Monday, May 7, 2012


Last night 2am
I rushed out hearing loud screaming. I find a woman in labour in a small maruti van. While my nurse rushes to get the trolley, I just check the perineum. Lo and behold the baby's head is already there. So with no time to waste I deliver the baby in the van and cut the cord. While the mother is being shifted, I stabilize the baby and hand it over to the relatives. I then proceed to remove the placenta and stitch her up.
And then... the most astounding thing happens...
I ask for a minimum advance. And guess what? They refuse!! "The baby was anyways out. You didn't have to do anything. Why should we pay anything?"
Wow!! I'm absolutely shell shocked! I really can't believe that after witnessing that entire episode they would say that I did nothing!
That I think its the biggest deterrant to medical missions. The biggest discouragement that a doctor, working day in and day out, in the middle of nowhere actually, any doctor, for that matter, faces. Ingratitude. However in a corporate setup you have your accademics, career and finances to comfort you. But in a smaller place what plus point do you find????
The only way to overcome is your vision. The only thing that keeps you going is your calling and the strength you receive to fulfill that calling.